Thursday, November 27, 2008

The first of many holiday posts: Homemade Cranberry Sauce

It's Thanksgiving. It's my birthday (basically). I have my mom and dad here in California to celebrate both with me and my hubby. I have a totally amazing new camera to explore a new, and hopefully therapeutic hobby. Life is good.

This means many things: 1. I am now the slowest person in any group whenever I have my 15 pound camera around my neck, mostly because I now take pictures of EVERYTHING. 2. I have a lot of recipes stock piled with cool pictures ready to write up and post, mostly (obviously) of holiday-centric dishes. 3. I am one happy Pookie. I hope that you all enjoy what's to come, as most of the dishes have been in either Tony or my families for generations. Luckily for me, our families both like to follow simple directions (WOO HOO!)

The recipe below is most likely the easiest of them all. My family has always just had the canned cranberry sauce...left in the shape of a can. I opted to make my own tradition by starting making REAL (not can-shaped...) cranberry sauce.


1 12 oz package of fresh cranberries
1 cup sugar
1 cup water


1. Wash cranberries thoroughly, and remove any bad berries and stems.
2. Bring water and sugar to a boil in a saucepan, allowing the sugar to dissolve (supersaturated solution, anyone?).

3. Add cranberries and reduce heat in order for the mixture to simmer for about 10 minutes. The cranberries will burst.

4. Allow the mixture to cool completely first at room temperature and then refigerate.

See...painfully simple...and definitely not can shaped :).

More holiday recipes to come!

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