Friday, January 22, 2010

Spicy Garlic and White Wine Shrimp

This is the first recipe that I've really "thrown together" on the fly. I was making a shrimp dish for some of my girlfriends, and I completely forgot the recipe I was going to use. So, in an uncharacteristic fit of spontaneity, I went with it. I knew the ingredients I had on hand, and what kind of flavor I wanted to bring out, so I just...cooked.

It was highly liberating.

I feel empowered.

I must share this with you.

Spicy Garlic and White Wine Shrimp

Serves 4


1 lb frozen, de-veined shrimp, tails on or off
1 medium sized shallot, diced
1 Tbs cooking oil
4 cloves garlic, minced
1/4 cup white wine or sherry
1 bag baby spinach


1. Thaw shrimp in the fridge overnight.

2. Heat oil in a large skillet over medium high heat. When the oil is hot, add the diced shallot and saute until translucent, about 4 minutes.

3. Add the shrimp, and the minced garlic, reduce heat to medium. Heat the shrimp for about I minute on each side, sprinkling the zesty spice mix on each side. Be careful not to burn the garlic, as that will give a bitter flavor to the dish.

4. Finally, de-glaze the pan with a 1/4 cup splash of white wine.

5. Lay a bed of spinach down on the serving plate, and top with the shrimp, drizzling the excess sauce, shallots and garlic on top.

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