Sunday, March 7, 2010

A Big Bowl of Fail: Tex Mex Macaroni and Cheese

It was supposed to be delicious. It was supposed to be easy.

IT was neither. It=Rachel Ray's Tex Mex macaroni and cheese recipe. Everything was going great--my pasta was boiling, my ground beef was cooked to perfection, my roux was a nutty brown, and my cheese was grated.

Then, the unthinkable happened. I added the required amount of milk and broth to the roux, and allowed it to reduce. I tried to get it to reduce. WHY WASN'T IT REDUCING!??! GAHH!?! I tried adding a bit of flour (cornstarch would have been better) to thicken it a bit, but the sauce just was. not. having. it.

I decided to press forward, telling myself, "maybe it's supposed to look like that." No. No, my friends, it was most definitely NOT supposed to look like that.

I added the cheese to the "sauce" and this awful emulsion occurred, the likes that have never been seen before in my kitchen.

This is what it looked like.

Needless to say, we ate leftovers, and I will not be posting the recipe...

Still, this was not as bad as this incident :).


pneumoceptor said...

I bet you roux the day you tried this recipe.

Katherine said...

oh no :( i hate when that happens.
the worst

Vicki said...

I have never had any luck with RR recipes. Which is sad, because people bought me RR cookbooks for christmas one year, lots of them...


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