Sunday, April 18, 2010

My New Favorite Grilled Cheese

This is not a manly grilled cheese sandwich.

In fact, if I served this to Tony, he'd probably ask 1) if we were out of good old American and 2) what we were really planning on eating for dinner. Lucky for me 1-2 nights of the week I'm on my own for dinner, and I can eat whatever I darn well want without any cracks from the peanut gallery. Hurumph.

I've seen many variations of this type of grilled cheese sandwich on the cooking channel and food blogs, but I made this one with the ingredients I had on hand--so this is what you get to read about! I really enjoyed this sandwich, and it gave me more ideas for new combinations I plan on trying in the future. Enjoy!

Golden Delicious and Muenster Grilled Cheese Sandwich

Serves 1


2 slices sourdough bread
1/2 small golden delicious apple, sliced into thin wedges
2 slices low-fat muenster cheese
1-2 Tbs margarine or butter


1. Butter one side of both pieces of bread. Put a small skillet with a spritz of cooking spray over medium heat.

2. Begin to build the sandwich: with butter sides OUT, add cheese, apples, and then a final layer of cheese.

3. Place the sandwich on the skillet for about 2 minutes, or until the bottom is browned to your liking, and flip over. Cook for an additional 2 minutes until the cheese is melting and both sides are golden.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

yummy!! can't wait to try this.


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