Tuesday, February 10, 2009

My Favorite Drink: White Russian

I'm definitely not a big drinker. In fact, I truly dislike the taste of most alcoholic beverages, and I don't enjoy the "I'm-not-fully-in-control" aspect of drinking either. I find most beer and wine pretty un-appealing, and I'm not really in the mood to gain the "aquired taste" required for such drinks. I like to spend my calories elsewhere, like on cookies and Nutella. Or cookies topped with Nutella...Wait, what? Who said that?

The exceptions to this factoid about me lie within two drinks and a shot. The first is the White Russian, which, if I can say so eloquently, is nummers. Coffee liqueur, a hint of vodka and milk (or cream) is all you need for a White Russian. Not a whole lot to dislike there, provided you enjoy coffee.

The second drink is called a Venetian Sunset. It's served at Olive Garden, which indicates that it's not exactly gourmet, but it's still tasty. It's made with grenadine, Martini and Rossi Asti (sparkling wine) and pineapple juice. This is about as girly as I can handle.

The third drink I enjoy is actually a shot (I can actually hear my mom shuddering as I type this). I cannot say the name, because it was discovered by my good friend, V-Ron, while looking up drinks for a bachelorette party. If I told you the name, Grandma Ryno would faint, and the other three readers (Mom, you still there?) would probably give up on me. Anyhoo, it's made up of 1 part amaretto, 1 part coffee liqueur, and a dollop of whipped cream on top. Decadent, I know.

So, now that everyone who's left knows all about my drinking preferences, let's get to the recipe.

White Russian

So this is the traditionally accepted recipe:

1 part Coffee Liqueur (Kahlua)
1 part Vodka
1 part cream


Place several ice cubes in a tumbler glass. Pour liqueur, vodka and then cream on top of the ice cubes. Some hoity toity people don't stir, but I think they're nuts. Who wants an entire mouthful of Kahlua without any creamy goodness? Not me.

This, I assume, is one tasty, calorie-laden drink. Obviously if you want to impress people, this is the one you should choose.

This next one is the pajama-wearing, movie-watching, Friday-night-relaxing version:

1 part Kahlua
1 part Vodka (I actually normally don't include this, since we rarely ever buy vodka, but when we do, we normally buy the vanilla infused kind, which is extra delicious in this drink, but still tastes like rubbing alcohol when ingested directly)
2 parts milk

This follows the same procedure as above, and I always mix.

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