Earlier in February Tony and I received a package from Tony's parents, which was full of all kinds of new items for me to try and cook with. One of the items in the box was a bag of pine nuts. Truthfully, I don't know much about pine nuts and how they are commonly used in cooking. One of the top hits I found during a http://tastespotting.com search was pesto, which I will eventually make when I can remember to buy some fresh basil at the grocery store. I'm slightly resistant to buying fresh herbs, because for the most part they end up spoiling before I can use them up.
This recipe is fast, fills you up, and gets your momma off of your back about eating your Brussels sprouts...
Spaghetti with Pine Nuts and Brussels Sprouts
Makes 2 servings
1/2 lb Brussels sprouts, washed and trimmed
4 0z (or enough for about 2 servings) of whole wheat pasta (spaghetti or fettuccine are best)
1 clove garlic, minced
2 Tbs olive oil
2 Tbs unsalted butter
3 Tbs pine nuts
seasoned pepper and salt to taste
1 tsp Italian herbs
grated parmesan cheese for serving
1. Cook pasta as directed until al dente, drain, reserving 1/2 cup of the liquid for later use.
2. While pasta is cooking quarter the Brussels sprouts, or slice them in a food processor if you're in a rush.
3. In a medium sized skillet, heat olive oil, butter and garlic over medium-high heat until the garlic is sizzling and fragrant.
5. Add the 1/2 cup of reserved pasta liquid to the skillet to moisten. Spoon over the pasta on your serving dish, and grate or sprinkle parmesan cheese on top.
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