Wednesday, April 8, 2009

Cinnamon Sugar Pita Chips

I *really* love the pre-packaged cinnamon sugar pita chips, either by Trader Joe's or Stacy's. There are a few problems with the chips though: 1) They're pretty expensive for the amount you get and 2) I can inhale an entire bag if I really want to. Sometimes, y'all, I really want to.

This evening I whipped up a quick fix for cinnamon sugar pita chips that can be used with either plain or whole wheat pitas that you may have around for your lunches, or perhaps to make another pita chip recipe...

Give these a try if you need a fast sweet fix, or if you want a really special dessert, crumble some of these over vanilla ice cream!

Cinnamon Sugar Pita Chips


1 whole wheat pita pocket, divided into 8 wedges
1 Tbs butter, melted
1-2 Tbs cinnamon sugar (I use a 4:1 granulated sugar: Saigon cinnamon ratio)
turbinado sugar for garnish


1. Preheat the oven to 400F.

2. Brush the top and inside of the wedges with butter. Sprinkle the top and inside with a hearty coating of cinnamon sugar. Finish off with a sprinkling of the turbinado sugar on top of the wedges.

3. Bake 5 minutes in the middle/top rack of the oven for chewier pita chips. If you like the crunchy texture, bake for roughly an extra 3 minutes, or until they turn a darker brown (don't let them burn!).

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