Sunday, May 23, 2010

Some 'naner chips

I bought a dehydrator recently.

I am such a sucker for kitchen gadgets, it's really not even funny. Basically, they gadget just uses low heat to dehydrate food over a certain amount of time (these chips took about 1 day).
First, I made some banana chips. They were DELICIOUS. I only used 2 large bananas, and I got a quart sized ZipLoc bag full of banana chips for the week.
I put them in my morning oatmeal with some cinnamon and sugar substitute. Next up: strawberries!


Soapy said... know what's really good? dried nectarines. nectarines, not peaches. dried fuzz isn't so appetizing.

Holly @ Domestic Dork said...

We bought one recently too and it totally melted on us. Gah. When we're able we're going to get a better quality one.

I thought you might like this:

It's by a web comic artist that I love. He's gonna be selling it as a t-shirt soon. His web comic is called "Questionable Content."


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