Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Cajun Pork Loin Chops

I'm making a move to try and cook more frequently, while simultaneously using less pre-packaged foods to keep our grocery bill down, and to help us live a healthier lifestyle. For the past two weeks I've cooked at home every day during the week, which is a big deal.

The last time I cooked pork loin, dinner was less than tasty. In fact, it was downright disgusting. Ranch Shake 'n' Bake should not be used with pork. Ever. It's practically inedible. Shake 'n' Bake might be icky anyway, but add ranch flavoring to it, and you've got yourself a mess.

This recipe, however, has saved pork loin for me forever. This was moist, crispy and flavorful, definitely worth a try!

Cajun Pork Loin Chops

2 pork loin chops
2 Tbs Cajun Seasoning*
2 Tbs extra virgin olive oil (or canola oil)
1 tsp salt
1/4 cup chicken or vegetable broth
2 Tbs butter

*My Cajun seasoning involves a 1:1:1 mixture of cumin:chili powder:store bought creole seasoning. Probably the store bought seasoning would be fine, but we like spicy foods, so I added some kick.*


1. Preheat the oven to 350F. Heat 1 Tbs olive oil in a frying pan over medium high heat.

2. Stir together 1 Tbs olive oil, salt and Cajun seasoning. Rub over all sides of rinsed and trimmed pork loin.

3. Sear pork loin for about 2-3 minutes in olive oil, until all sides are brown. Place on a baking sheet lightly greased with cooking spray. Cook at 350F for about 10-12 minutes, or until a instant read thermometer reaches about 160F in the thickest part of the meat.

4. Transfer to a room temperature cutting board and allow the meat to rest for about 5 minutes.

5. While the meat is resting, deglaze the frying pan with the chicken or veggie broth, add the butter and reduce. Spoon a little of this sauce over the pork loin for extra juiciness!

P.S. I can't actually take credit for the pictures this time, aside from my photoshop ability on the second photo--Tony helped me out by taking the photos for me!

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